DISCUSSION TEXT ‘Optimists vs Pessimists’ Have you ever heard the expression that a glass is half full or half empty? If not, imagine that you are looking at a glass that filled exactly halfway with liquid. Now, is the glass half full or half empty are called pessimists. In simple terms, optimists see the best in the world, while pessimists see the worst. One of the clearest ways to see the differences between the two is to look at the way optimists and pessimists explain events. When something bad happens, optimists tend to see the event as a single event which does not affect other areas of their lives. For example, Ratu is an optimistic person. When she gets a low grade on test, she will say something like this to herself: “Oh well that was one test I didn’t do well on. I wasn’t feeling well that day. I have another test in a few days. I’ll do better on that one. Pessimists, on the other hand, will feel that an event is just one of a string of bad events affecting their lives ...